Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

and the Sharon Board of Selectmen


Joint Executive Session—September 18, 2006

Revised September 28, 2006

Approved Wilber School Redevelopment Committee—October 4, 2006

Approved Sharon Board of Selectmen—October 10, 2006

Approved for Release—October 29, 2007


WSRC: Michael Baskin, David DePree, Ed Hershfield, Bob Levin, Marcia Liebman, Joel Tran, Greg Waugh

BOS: Bill Heitin, Rich Powell, Joe Roach

Town Administrator: Ben Puritz


Meeting called to order at 7:45 p.m. by David DePree.


Liebman/Baskin moved to accept the minutes of September 11th as amended; unanimously approved.



DePree summarized ratings of proposals—Connolly and Frontier had highest ratings.

DePree stated that, according to Town Counsel, bidders can be interviewed or BOS can use interview as part of negotiation process. It was decided to send a list questions we had about each of the two proposals to the developers, request a formal response in writing, and invite the developers (one at 7:30 pm; one at 8:30 pm—half an hour each) to the next meeting.


Tran reported that he spoke to Mark Mazur, who felt that a tax revenue stream cannot be projected, based on the information we have at this time. Baskin noted that all proposals are vague—that is the “nature of the game”. He cited consultant Stephen Crane, who had advised us to make the best judgment we could on the basis of the information we had. It is only in the negotiation process that the concrete details are established.


Tran calculated the Town’s annual tax revenue to be $15,800 for every $1 million in value increase on the site. That converted into an estimated $300,000-$350,000 annual taxes, putting the annual lease amount in a less prominent role than we had previously calculated.


Connolly had the least impact on the site, but provided less revenue in terms of lease price to the town. Baskin noted that, when measuring positives and negatives, it should not only be in dollars and cents. Heitin expressed concern about what the Town gives up by entering into any agreement.


Heitin clarified some affordable housing issues: If 25% of the apartments are affordable, all count as affordable. He stressed that more affordable housing is a top priority.


Community information

There was much concern about keeping the community informed and discussing their concerns, especially those of the abutters. It was decided to hold an information session after proposal selection but before negotiations begin, limiting discussion to non-specific generics. (DePree will contact Town Counsel to see if we can name the selected developer and how much information can be released without jeopardizing negotiations.) The focus of the meeting would be to say that the evaluation committee has identified a proposal and both they and the BOS want feedback before negotiations begin, so the Town’s needs can be better presented to the developer. It will be clarified that comments will be taken into account during the negotiation process, but negotiation is a give-and-take process, so not everything discussed at the community meeting will be part of the final contract. A concept design will be shown, but no hand-outs will be distributed. The BOS will be responsible for notifying abutters by mail and announcing the meeting on cable TV at their BOS meetings.



Tuesday, Sept. 19—BOS will announce Wilber Site information session at their meeting and will start mailing process for notifying abutters. DePree will contact Frontier and Connelly, send them questions with request for formal written answers by our next meeting, and give them separate appointments for our next meeting. If they cannot come, they are to send the written responses, as a decision will be made that night.


7:30 pm, Monday, Sept. 25, Hearing Room, Sharon Town Hall—joint WSRC/BOS

meeting (executive session). At the end of this meeting, it is expected that a proposal will be selected.


8:45 pm, Tuesday, Sept 26—WSRC will formally present selection to BOS (name to be announced in open session, if Town Counsel approves). BOS will again invite community to Wilber Site information session.


TBA, Tuesday, Oct 3, Sharon High School Library—Wilber Site information session (as part of the BOS meeting)


Levin/Heitin moved to adjourn at 9:20 pm; unanimously approved.


Respectfully submitted,

Marcia C. Liebman